Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Episode 1 - Jordan Adler Talks About The Beach Money Lifestyle
Jordan was involved in 10 network marketing companies in his first 11 years in the business and never signed up a single distributor. At the age of 34 years old, he had less than $200 in the bank. He had $36,000 in credit card debt on 22 credit cards. He was living in a garage in Tempe, AZ and his rent was $200 a month. His jeep had been broken down for 2 years and he was taking a bus to work. His job paid him $14,000 a year after the airline he worked for had just filed bankruptcy. 36 months later, Jordan became a top earner in his company of 2 1/2 million distributors and went on to make $20 million in network marketing.
Jordan has built businesses consisting of over 200,000 distributors and nearly 500,000 customers in countries all over the globe. He’s a builder, speaker, leader, trainer and motivator. His audiences are mesmerized by his stories that inspire belief and action. Jordan sees himself as a dream broker. He lives his personal dreams on a large scale and then inspires others to go for theirs.
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